Hayley + Ethan

Venue | Bridlewood of Madison
Photographer |
Meredith Lee Photography
Wedding Planner | Bethany Sigrest at
Oak Experience
Bride’s Dress |
DJ |
DJ 51
Invitations, Caterer, Cakes, Florist |
Oak Experience
Officiant | Steve McFall
Musicians | Brooks Hanson & Elise Griffin
Worship | "Extravagant"
Commissioning Prayer |
Ed & Dana Bort
Music | “River feat.
Propaganda" by Audrey Assad, “Bigger Smaller" by Lael

Picture this: a whimsical, carefree, gorgeous girl wearing a white flowing gown with tiny flowers in her hair walking down an outdoor aisle to a loving, tenderhearted, handsome guy that within a matter of hours would be her husband. A whirl of emotions and expectant anticipation hanging in the air as well as in their hearts. When he turns around, he sees his girl, glowing with a genuine and sincere love for and from their Heavenly Father and for him, her soon-to-be husband. That was Ethan and Hayley on their incredible, unique, spiritual, eclectic, and enchanting wedding day.

The Memorial Day heat was swept away by a classic breeze rustling the tall grass and green trees. The sun high in the light blue sky declared that this day would be perfect. In a tiny cottage at the back of the Bridlewood property, the bridesmaids were finishing their final details only to be dismayed by the beauty of their beloved friend as she stood before them in her flowing white gown crowned with flowers in her hair. She swayed freely and excitedly in her dress and carried her wildflower-inspired bouquet with ease.

Ethan and his gentlemen were dressed in light grey trousers and suspenders with a floral tie as a touch of summer color. Surrounded by prayers, Ethan couldn’t wait to see his bride. That moment was such a sweet one to capture. They reread letters that they had written to each other years earlier in their relationship, being reminded of the yearning, the waiting, and now the irony that it was finally happening. During the ceremony, officiated by Ethan’s father, they read individual vows that they had prepared for one another almost eclipsing the fact that they were marrying each other by their declarations to include, cling to, hold fast to, and earnestly desire God above all others including themselves. Selflessly and securely they became husband and wife in the presence of family, friends, and God Himself.

After the special dances and feasting, the toasts were given by a few people in the bridal party. It was clear that Ethan and Hayley meant a lot to those in their lives. Celebrating and dancing were the final aspects of the day. That Memorial Day would be something absolutely wonderful to remember for Ethan and Hayley.

Ethan and Hayley were married on May 27, 2019, at Bridlewood in Madison, Mississippi.
