Mary Clark & Luis

Ceremony | First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, MS
Reception Venue | The South Warehouse - Jackson, MS
Photography | Patrick Remington Photography
"Endless Story" by The Light The Heat & "Blaze" by Airplanes

In the busy city of downtown Jackson, Mississippi, there is a pillar of beauty, commitment, and historical tradition. With huge columns dominating the outside and a large sanctuary inside with high ceilings representing the majesty and reverence of God, First Presbyterian Church of Jackson was the enchanting vicinity where Luis and Mary Clark made their God-honoring covenant as husband and wife.

Both the groom and bride wrote tender love letters to each other and read them aloud on this special day. Everything about this couple revolved not around themselves or their desires but supremely revolved around their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The attributes both described in their letters that led them to one another was their individual genuine love for and of Jesus Christ. As the wooden doors opened in the small chapel with Mary Clark stunningly gleaming in her gorgeous wedding gown, it was apparent at Luis was joyfully overwhelmed and filled with tender emotion for his bride as he saw her for the first time on their special day. The message brought during their ceremony again confirmed their heartfelt desire to continue to live for Jesus Christ even as the two became one.

The celebration of their marriage was held at The South venue where dancing, cake cutting, and excitement filled the evening. Luis and Mary Clark are a beautiful tangible testimony of a love not based on solely emotion or circumstance but based on the love that Jesus Christ has for His church. Luis and Mary Clark were married on November 11, 2017, at First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, Mississippi.